Hi hi,

I’m Anna, the founder of Beno.one. Welcome to my blog! This space is dedicated to sharing all the insights related to Beno. I create and write all the content myself, but since English is not my native language, I use AI (ChatGPT) to help revise my texts. I hope this approach makes sense and doesn’t deter you from enjoying the blog.

Let’s kick off this blog of Beno.one with a bit of an introduction. Beno is the first product and company I’ve created. I have a background in product management across both enterprises and startups, but I never envisioned starting my own company, due to my parents’ entrepreneurial influence. Life, however, has a way of surprising us!

So here I am, running a company in Hong Kong, with Beno.one as my debut product.

The inspiration for Beno came from my love for solving user pain points with AI. While working on another product, we hit a wall—we didn’t know how to attract users without a budget for paid marketing. That’s when the idea for Beno was born.

My first big realization was that it’s more effective to identify your distribution channels before diving into product development.

Knowing other founders faced similar challenges in client acquisition, I began with cold emailing.

I connected with founders through calls, and these conversations allowed me to understand what users find most valuable about Beno. I initially expected feedback focused on Beno’s cost-effective lead generation. What I discovered, though, were varied perspectives and insights that truly highlighted Beno’s impact.

Getting leads on the cheap

I anticipated this to be the main feedback, and indeed, Beno helps users discover new leads more efficiently and at a lower cost. By automating the process of monitoring and engaging in relevant discussions, Beno enables users to uncover potential clients they might otherwise miss.

Making life easier

While I initially thought Beno’s primary value was in acquiring leads, I’ve come to see that it’s also invaluable for clients already engaged in manual lead generation. These clients recognize the effectiveness of these methods and benefit greatly from automating the process with Beno. Many users described how their small teams would tirelessly monitor platforms, jumping into relevant discussions to mention their product. Beno makes this process more efficient and scalable.

One user shared, “This already helps us acquire three-fourths of our current clients. Now we can do it more efficiently and at scale.”

No more account juggling

Our users appreciate not having to create and manage multiple accounts across various platforms. This can be a time-consuming and tedious task.

As one user said, “The social commenting and the fact that you guys have the accounts already, that's huge. I would not want to make or manage new accounts on other platforms."

Quick and easy setup

Users have also been pleasantly surprised by how easy and quick it is to set up Beno. The process is straightforward, allowing users to get started without extensive training or complicated configurations. Beno works directly through our website, requiring users to input just three details: product name, link, and a comprehensive description. That's it. We handle the rest.

Some challenges

One challenge we face at Beno is not allowing links in replies. Normal users typically avoid this, as it can lead to shadow banning, making it hard to track leads from such replies. While other platforms might permit links, their accounts and replies often end up shadow banned, which isn’t effective for us or our clients. This makes directly measuring lead generation challenging. That’s why we prefer users who already manually implement this process—they understand its effectiveness.